Published inAuthor MastermindsThe Peril and Power of Words“Words do not express thoughts very well. They always become a little different immediately after they are expressed, a little distorted, a…8h ago8h ago
The Peril and Power of Words“Words do not express thoughts very well. They always become a little different immediately after they are expressed, a little distorted, a…8h ago8h ago
Thick Skin and Open Ears: A Writer’s Guide to CriticismThe first time I received a harsh critique, it was a gut punch, the kind that lingers in your chest long after you’ve read the final…3d ago3d ago
Happily Never AfterOnce upon a time, in a world before Disney sprinkled its magic on everything, fairy tales weren’t the warm, fuzzy bedtime stories we know…5d ago5d ago
Published inAuthor MastermindsWriting Alone, Speaking to the WorldSeamus Heaney once said, “The writer is in the paradoxical position of being both solitary and communal.” Few writers embodied this paradox…Mar 3Mar 3
Writing Alone, Speaking to the WorldSeamus Heaney once said, “The writer is in the paradoxical position of being both solitary and communal.” Few writers embodied this paradox…Mar 3Mar 3
Published inAuthor MastermindsNow, Let’s Talk PromotionA hard truth every writer eventually faces: Even the best books don’t sell themselves. It’s a lesson that lands differently depending on…Feb 28Feb 28
Now, Let’s Talk PromotionA hard truth every writer eventually faces: Even the best books don’t sell themselves. It’s a lesson that lands differently depending on…Feb 28Feb 28